Friday, December 4, 2009


by, William O. Johnson

I went to an art show, and I said, "Is that art?"

Art is a can, art is a man,

Art is the stand for a candle with a handle.

Art is a dress or a colorful mess, art.

Art is a kite, art is a tiny night light.

Art is an abstract thing, art can be almost Anything.

Art is music or just about anything else you do.

Art is the masterpiece sandwich or that ice cold drink,

Art is simply that one thing that makes you think.

Art is everything in life, art is art, it is a very big part
of what we are, and what we see.

Art is a vision, but not a vision of me,
a vision of what I can't dare tell,
but art is art, as beautiful as a sea shell.

Art, we say that all art is art, but sometimes I wonder.


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