Thursday, July 8, 2010

VV in the Wild # 34

Some more entries for VV in the Wild free t-shirt giveaway have arrived, and they're muy muchas fantasticos.

The deal is - you send us a photo of Vintage Vantage stickers or shirts you've spotted in real life. We post it on the blog. You pick out a shirt and send us your address. We send you a free shirt. Everybody smiles and dances.

First up is from B-Lazer's 4th of July Party in San Diego. Dr. T is (out of print) Life Coaching Wheels who holds a Carolina blue penis ice luge, while Tally, Grace, and Riley eat ice.

Furthermore, Percida spotted a Vintage Vantage "Don't Tell My Mom" shirt at a rave in NYC. Hardcore!

Wild! Free shirts! Yay!

Email Customer Service Guru James at vintagevantage at hotmail dot communist to redeem your prizes!

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