Thursday, October 9, 2008

Non-Personal Favorite Probably Not Real Animal Drawing Contest!

Sometimes we sit around with a group of friends and draw pictures w/ markers. One person in the group picks a category, and then we pass around a huge pad of paper and everybody draws something in that category. Then we laugh! It's great fun, so we decided to let all of you people in on it!

We'll give you a category, you draw a picture and send it to us, then we'll post all the pictures, then you'll vote for your favorite, and then the winner gets two free t-shirts! Sweet! So here's the category:

Non-Personal Favorite Probably Not Real Animal.

Here's some examples:


skippy haha said...

is that a crater or a wing on jumbo dumbo love?

JOHN said...

a winged crater, from the looks of it. either that or an upside down mohawked walnut.