Time to say goodbye - for real this time. Next Friday (Dec 3) is the last day to order Vintage Vantage t-shirts off the world wide innernets. Ever. We'll have all the orders shipped out by the following Friday (December 10) so you'll be sure to have your shirts by Christmas. Please note that if we don't have a shirt you ordered in stock, we will either send you two shirts in the same size, or send you a refund - you'll have a chance to choose between these two options on the checkout page. We'll be providing tracking numbers and answering emails and everything through the end of December and beyond.
So get those final orders in! Everything on the site is ridiculously cheap - one last Vintage Vantage Christmas-time mega-sale for old times sake. We're going to miss you guys.
John, Heather, James & Emily
(& Matt & Socky & Tim & Anne & Spencer & Greg & Cam & Robert & Brian & Tom & Lizz & Kevin & everybody else who's made this beautifully janky operation run a little smoother over the years)