The deal is - you send us a photo of Vintage Vantage stickers or shirts you've spotted in real life. We post it on the blog. You pick out a shirt and send us your address. We send you a free shirt. Everybody smiles and dances.
First up is a dude spotted by Brian B. in Sparkey's San Francisco asking for squeezes by the jukebox. Guten Morgen!
Next is a handsome young gent spotted by Tanis wearing an "I Have Reservations" shirt in a mall of some kind. Shop til you drop.
Next we see Joe A. rocking the "I Have Feelings Too" v-neck while on vacation on the streets of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Suave!
Finally we have Nick making nice with a fine young thing on the dance floor in a "Blink if You Love Me" shirt. Who could possibly resist?
Wild! Free shirts! Hooray!
Email James at vintagevantage at hotmail daht cahm to redeem your prizes!