Some more entries for VV in the Wild free t-shirt giveaway have arrived, and they're muchos buenos.
The deal again is - you send us a photo of Vintage Vantage stickers or shirts you've spotted in real life. We send you a free t-shirt. Everybody smiles and dances.

First up we have Charlie's furry little friend Zeus in his Vintage Vantage (out of print) "At Least I'm Not Pregnant" shirt. They're both thrilled that Zeus is not carrying a litter of puppies.

We also have Margaret, aka Grit Goods, who makes sweet and sassy jewelry for you and your loved ones. She hangs them on her "
Will Work for Fun" sticker-ed cork board (see in the bottom corner?).
Check out all her Grit Goods treasure stash
Wild! Free shirts! Hooray!